The Moss Carpet
I so want this! While doing some research for my Object Analysis presentation which I have on Friday I found this amazing bath mat. 'Amazing' and 'Bath Mat' don't usually go in the same sentence but imagine the sensation of stepping out of the shower onto a forest floor... It's made using (fancy new word coming up) imputrescible foam, meaning that it is not liable to decomposition, called plastazote. The mat includes ball moss, island moss and forest moss and these mosses thrive off the humidity of the bathroom and the water that drips off you when you stand on it. It was designed by Swedish artist Nguyen La Chanh who is now looking to commercialise the product after several people have expressed an interest in buying one on her website. Her design process is a simple idea. She deconstructs items and then recreates them with a green purpose and function. Such as in her piece 'Kitchen Garden' in which she has created a holder for kitchen utensils out of a textiles through which the thin roots of herbs can pass. The herbs can grow vertically and live off the water that comes from the drying utensils and, depending on where you place it in the kitchen, the draining board.
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